Weather in Bali in April

weather bali april, Weather in Bali in April

Bali weather April on average

MonthMax. TempAvg. TempMin. TempAvg. Rainfall PrecipitationAvg. Rain DaysSeason
April32°C27°C22°C70 mm12Dry Season
*Data cited from

Bali Weather Forecast


How is the Bali weather in April? 

April is one of the best months to visit Bali, as it falls within the dry season, offering warm and sunny weather with minimal rainfall. Therefore,  you can expect mostly dry and sunny days. However, there may still be occasional brief showers or rain, particularly in the evenings or at night.

Humidity levels are relatively lower in April compared to the wet season, making the weather even more enjoyable. April is one of the driest months in Bali, with very little rainfall. You can expect mostly clear skies and sunshine throughout the month.

April provides ideal weather conditions for a wide range of activities, and you can explore the island to the fullest. The weather is perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports. Visit popular spots like Kuta, Seminyak, and Jimbaran for a day of relaxation by the sea.

If you love surfing, then head to the west coast of Bali, including areas like Uluwatu, Canggu, and Medewi. These places offer excellent surfing conditions in April, with consistent waves and clear water. Don’t forget to explore Bali’s vibrant underwater world at various dive sites like Nusa Penida, Amed, and Menjangan Island, where visibility is excellent during this time.

With clear skies and sunny weather, make sure you explore Bali’s beautiful waterfalls, including Gitgit, Sekumpul, and Tegenungan, with minimal risk of rain hindering your visit. And of course, exploring Bali’s temples and beautiful, lush rice terraces would be awesome too.

Bali Weather by Month

Dive deeper into Bali each month’s weather to select the most opportune period for your visit to Bali

Bali Climate and Bali Weather Year Round

MonthAvg. TempAvg. Rainfall PrecipitationAvg. Rain DaysSeasonHoliday Season
January26°C90 mm16Rain SeasonLow season
February26°C90 mm15Rain SeasonLow season
March27°C90 mm14Rain SeasonShoulder/Low season
April27°C70 mm12Dry SeasonLow season
May28°C70 mm9Dry SeasonShoulder season
June27°C50 mm5Dry SeasonShoulder season
July27°C40 mm4Dry SeasonHigh season
August27°C40 mm3Dry SeasonHigh season
September27°C50 mm4Dry SeasonShoulder season
October27°C60 mm8Dry/Rain SeasonLow season
November27°C70 mm13Rain SeasonLow season
December27°C90 mm13Rain SeasonLow season
***Data cited from We also include the average number of holidaymakers during peak seasons, giving you the flexibility to choose the perfect time for your Bali getaway.

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